Posts Tagged ‘key words’

Getting one’s book noticed isn’t the easiest task to accomplish. After all, there are millions if not billions of books out there for the general public to choose from. So getting the right search words is essential to guiding the public at large to find your book.

I don’t feel that I’m unusual in Googling my own books to see if I can find it via Internet search engines. How else will I know if I got it right? It’s a good thing I’m not a celebrity because I’d probably spend more time searching myself than I would, umm, celebriting. Anyway, I’m not interested in that.

I went onto, one of the outlets where my books are available, and punched in various search words to see if I could them easily.

I started with Romance: I gave up after none of my books had appeared by page twelve, however I was intrigued by “Romanced by My Lesbian Billionaire Boss” and bought a copy.

Next I tried Navy: I got sidetracked and read 15 sample pages of some guy’s memoir. Interesting, but it wasn’t as good as mine – naturally. It was a telling book instead of showing in a novel type format and I spent more time mentally critiquing his work than I did getting totally engrossed in the story.

One of my books had a central theme regarding blackmail. So I tried that. Holy crap. It was all about incest and bondage. Whatever happened to “I saw you cheat on your wife. Give me $100,000 and I won’t tell.” No, I didn’t read the sample of “Blackmailed by my Step Son (Family Pseudo Incest Taboo).” I’ll pick it up when it hits the New York Times Bestseller list. Not.

Military: Holier crap! Chief’s Gay Gangbang and Military Sissy Boys was not what I had in mind.

Nevermind. Just type in Trouble Triangle, Oceans of Trouble or Forbidden Trouble.